The interrogative adverbs are:

whywhere, how, when

They are usually placed at the beginning of a question.


  • Why are you so late?
  • Where is my passport?
  • How are you?
  • How much is that coat?
  • When does the train arrive?

Using ‘how’ as an interrogative adverb

Notice that how can be used in four different ways:

1. meaning ‘in what way?’:

  • How did you make this sauce?
  • How do you start the car?

2. with adjectives:

  • How tall are you?
  • How old is your house?

3. with much and many:

  • How much are these tomatoes?
  • How many people are coming to the party?

4. with other adverbs:

  • How quickly can you read this?
  • How often do you go to London?’how